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AMA Help (11th Edition)

First Heading Level

  • Left justify
  • Boldface
  • Triple space after 

Second Heading Level

  • Aligned to left
  • Boldface
  • Upper and lowercase letters

Body of Paper

An AMA paper should include four major sections :

  • Title page
  • Abstract
  • Text (introduction, methods, results, discussion)
  • References

The body may also include various sections such as data analysis and summarization.

Always refer back to your professor of his or her requirements.

TITLE OF PAPER                                                                                                      


      The purpose of this paper is to provide an example of the AMA writing style information. Included herein are formatting tips for document layout, general writing tips, and style considerations. Very basic writing fundamentals are included, covering topics from how to start a writing project to paragraph formulation and proofreading.

      The first part of the paper is called the “Introduction” section.  The introduction should include a concise review of the relevant literature to provide a context for the study question and a rationale for the choice of a particular method.  The study hypothesis or purpose should be clearly stated in the last sentence(s) before the "Methods" section.  Results or conclusions do not belong in the introduction.              




The AMA manual states that a consistent style of typeface should be used for each level of heading throughout a manuscript (pg. 26), however, it does not give specific formatting instructions.  Consult with your professor regarding their preferred formatting.

There is no requisite number of headings, but since they are meant to divide a primary part into secondary parts, there should be a minimum of 2.

Headings reflect the progression of logic or the flow of thought in an article, and thereby guide the reader.  Headings also help break up the copy, making the article more attractive and easier to read (pg. 26).


TITLE OF PAPER                                                                                                      


   Use headings and subheadings to organize the sections of your paper and to help your reader transition from section to section. A suggestion is to use headings that are in the order of the assignment and evaluation criteria or rubric so your instructor can easily see you have fulfilled each part of the assignment’s content requirements.

   The first heading level is left aligned, boldface, in uppercase lettering. Do not start a new page for each heading.

Design and Setting

   Subheadings are formatted left, boldface, uppercase and lowercase lettering.


This sample will give you an example of heading levels used in the body of the paper

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