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AMA Help (11th Edition)

Citation Generators in Library Databases

CREDO Reference has 607 reference sources such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and biographies covering all subjects.    How to Cite an article in Credo Reference

EBSCOHost Information Services provides a complete and optimized research solution comprised of research databases.

How to Cite an article in EBSCOHost

ProQuest Academic Research database includes more than 5,000 titles and over 3,500 in full text scholarly journals, trade publications, and magazines.

How to Cite an article in ProQuest

West Coast University Library Catalog is dedicated to offering you access to the widest possible range of resources. You are now able to search our collection and the collections of many other libraries worldwide using WorldCat Catalog.

How to Cite an article on the library catalog

Remember to double check your citations. Citation generators are easy to access, but they are not always correct.

Ask your librarians for additional assistance or consult your professor for project requirements. 

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