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WCU Library Webinars

This research guide provides links to all the webinars held for CAPS 401 for the Fall II 2019 term.

Ethics in Writing

This page provides information on writing in an ethical manner. 

The American Psychological Association (APA, 2020), notes, to avoid plagiarism, be sure to provide credit to a source using the author-date citation system, whenever you:

  • directly quote a source
  • state the ideas of a source in your own words i.e. paraphrase
  • reprint or adapt a table or figure, including those freely available on the internet or licensed in Create Commons
  • refer to data or data sets
  • reprint a long-text passage or commercially copyrighted test item (p. 255).

Providing proper citations involves two parts: an in-text citation, and a complete reference list entry.  "Each work cited in the text must [emphasis added] appear in the reference list, and each work in the reference list must [emphasis added] be cited in the text" (p. 257).

It is unethical to:

  • Fabricate citations and/or reference entries
  • Hire someone else to write a paper (contract cheating) (p. 256).

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).


For more information on plagiarism, please see the American Psychological Associations Avoiding Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism document.

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