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Physician Assistant

Welcome to the LibGuide for the Physician Assistant (PA) Program. This guide has been designed to provide information and resources that will help you, the student, during the program.

Grammarly - The Basics

  •  This 30-minute instructional video will go step-by-step and describe the different features of Grammarly, including how to install the Grammarly apps for Microsoft Word, iPhone, iPad, and your browser.
  •  How to log in to Grammarly with your West Coast University credentials will also be covered in detail. 
  • In this video, at 20:15 there is a demo of the Grammarly Citation Generator 

When signing into Grammarly, you will need to use your WCU Student e-mail and password. Information

WCU is proud to offer FREE online tutoring services through for 90 minutes per month.

*HOW TO ACCESS: Click the '' link found in your courses in our learning management system to access and learn more. (Also, see pdf ' Instructions' below).


1. Use of is limited to WCU students ONLY. Violations of this policy may lead to sanctions up to and including dismissal from the University.

2. Students have a total duration of 90 minutes per month. The duration starts from the first day of the month and ends on the last day of the month. If the month's full 90 minutes are not used, they lose that time (i.e., there is no roll-over); and it resets for 90 minutes for the next month.

3. A minimum of 50 minutes is required to use the Drop-Off Essay Review. For Resume and Cover Letter Drop-off Review, a minimum of 35 minutes is required. 

  • You may need to sign in with your WCU email address and password to view this video
  • This video will go step-by-step on how to access through Canvas
  • Go to 3:47 for specific information on Drop-Off Essay Review

Self-Paced Tutorials

WCU Library Services has developed self-paced tutorials covering Library Research Basics and All Things APA (done in 2 parts). Each of these tutorials takes around 10 - 15 minutes to complete. Upon completion and getting a score of 75% or higher, you will receive a certificate of completion! 

Click on the icons below to launch the tutorial on a new webpage. 

Tutorial Icon for Library Research Basics Tutorial Icon for APA Part 1 Publication Format Tutorial Icon for APA Part 2 Citations and References


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